Quite by chance, I visited my own blog today for the first time in ages and discovered that it had been three months to the day since my last post. That is truly pathetic and is a new record. Nice. And, umm, sorry.
In case you hadn't noticed, I am not blogging at the moment. The reasons for that are several, but principal among them are the twin facts that a) in recent months I have been working on my thesis with renewed vigour and commitment, and b) I have just moved to a new city (see updated sidebar) and started a new job. Those two things combined mean that my plate right now is more than full and some non-essentials, including blogging, have had to be culled ruthlessly.
However, it is absolutely 100% my intention to return to blogging regularly at some (not entirely distant) future point, so the ether need not fear that it has lost the BerlinBear forever. I will, as they say in California and Austria, be back. Just not in the next couple of months.
In the meantime, I offer for your enjoyment, a new update on bears in the news. My heart does not bleed for this guy:
Man forced to pay $1500 after killing bear.
Anway, I'll be back at some stage. In the meantime, there are plenty of other blogs to read. Admittedly, not many which combine New Zealand in the news with Bears in the news, but you have to take it as it comes.
bears in the news, Marburg
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